Group { Air = Region[ 15 ]; Ind1 = Region[ 12 ]; Ind2 = Region[ 13 ]; Ind3 = Region[ 14 ]; Shield = Region[ 16 ]; Surface_bn0 = Region[ 17 ]; // Abstract regions used in the "" template file // that is included below: Vol_Mag = Region[{Air, Ind1, Ind2, Ind3, Shield}]; // full magnetic domain Vol_C_Mag = Region[{Ind1, Ind2, Ind3}]; // massive conductors } Function { Flag_FrequencyDomain = 1; Freq = 50; mu0 = 4.e-7 * Pi; nu[] = 1. / mu0; sigma[ Vol_C_Mag ] = 5e7; CoefGeos[] = 1; // planar model, 1 meter thick } Constraint { { Name MagneticVectorPotential_2D; Case { { Region Surface_bn0; Value 0; } } } { Name Current_2D; Case { { Region Ind1; Value 400*F_Cos_wt_p[]{2*Pi*Freq, 0}; } { Region Ind2; Value 400*F_Cos_wt_p[]{2*Pi*Freq, 2*Pi/3}; } { Region Ind3; Value 400*F_Cos_wt_p[]{2*Pi*Freq, -2*Pi/3}; } { Region Shield; Value 0; } } } { Name Voltage_2D; Case { } } } Include ""; PostOperation { { Name dyn; NameOfPostProcessing Magnetodynamics2D_av; Operation { Print[ az, OnElementsOf Vol_Mag, File "az.pos" ]; Print[ norm_of_b, OnElementsOf Vol_Mag, File "b.pos" ]; Print[ j, OnElementsOf Vol_Mag, File "j.pos" ]; } } }