import sys import os import librosa from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as np from import wavfile def change_extension(filename, new_extension): """ Change the extension of the given file Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename whose extension needs to be changed new_extension : str The new extension Return ------ newfilename : str The new filename """ dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) fname = os.path.basename(filename) basename = fname.split(".")[0] return os.path.join(dirname, "{}.{}".format(basename, new_extension)) def wav2mono(signal): """Converts a wav signal to mono. If the signal is already mono, it is not modified. Parameters ---------- signal: ndarray The wav sound signal Return: ------- signal: ndarray A mono wav signal """ signal = np.squeeze(signal) if len(signal.shape) <= 1: return signal axis = 0 if signal.shape[0] == 2 else 1 return np.mean(signal, axis=axis) def extract_wave_files(path): """ List the .wave file in the directory corresponding to `path` Parameters ---------- path : str The path to a directory Return ------ wave_files : list of str The wave files in `path` """ walked = list(os.walk(path)) all_files = list() for r, _, f in walked: all_files.extend([os.path.join(r, fi) for fi in f]) return [f for f in all_files if f.endswith(".wav")] def main(argv): parser = ArgumentParser(description='Converts a bunch of .wav file in .mfcc files.') parser.add_argument('-c', '--n_coef', dest="n_coef", type=int, default=13, help='The number of coefficients to extract per input signal.') parser.add_argument('-f', '--files', dest='files', nargs='+', default=[], help='The input .wav sound file to convert.') parser.add_argument('-p', "--path", dest="path", default=None, help="Path in which the .wav files are located and must be converted " "(ignored if some files are passed with the -f flag).") params = parser.parse_args(args=argv) files = params.files if len(params.files) > 0 or params.path is None else extract_wave_files(params.path) print("{} file(s) to be converted...".format(len(files))) for filename in np.unique(files): try: print("Converting '{}'...".format(filename)) sampling_rate, signal = signal = wav2mono(signal) # to handle stereophonic signals mfcc = librosa.feature.mfcc(signal, sr=sampling_rate, n_mfcc=params.n_coef) output_file = change_extension(filename, "mfcc") with open(output_file, "w+") as out: out.write("{} {}".format(mfcc.shape[0], mfcc.shape[1]) + os.linesep) for i in range(mfcc.shape[0]): for j in range(mfcc.shape[1]): out.write("{} ".format(mfcc[i, j])) out.write(os.linesep) except IOError as e: print("Couldn't convert file '{}': {}".format(filename, e.strerror)) if __name__ == "__main__": """Dependencies: librosa, numpy, scipy Installation with anaconda (windows): - conda install scipy numpy - conda install -c conda-forge librosa=0.4.3 Installation with pip (does not work on windows): - pip install scipy numpy librosa """ main(sys.argv[1:])