2023: Probabilistic Reliability Management for
Changing Electric Power Systems
Talk at "Les clés de la curiosit&e" at R&D RTE-France, Paris, Oct. 19,
(9.2 Mbytes)
2019: Probabilistic Reliability Management for Electric
Power Systems Operation
Seminar at the Control Group (University of Cambridge), Cambridge, Apr. 25,
(9.3 Mbytes)
2018: Machine Learning for Probabilistic Power
Systems Reliability Management
Seminar at the DTU (Danish Technical University), Lyngby, Nov. 23,
(7.3 Mbytes)
2016: Big data, machine learning, and
optimization, for power systems reliability
Workshop at the LIST (Luxembourg Institute of Technology), Belvaux, Nov. 9, 2016
(10.2 Mbytes)
2015: How to combine observational data sources with first
principles of physics to build stable and transportable models for
power system design and control?
Plenary presentation at "Analytic Research Foundations for the Next-Generation Grid". A workshop of the National Research Council of the National Academies, Irvine Feb. 11-12, 2015
(10.2 Mbytes)
2014: Adavanced optimization for power systems,
Plenary survey presentation at 18th PSCC - Wroclaw, August 20, 2014
(4.6 Mbytes)
LRI-Orsay-2011 : Regression
tree ensembles in the perspective of kernel-based methods,
Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique - Paris 11 - Orsay, Avril 23, 2011
(1.9 Mbytes)
MPI-Tuebingen-2009 : Regression
tree ensembles in the perspective of kernel-based methods, Max Planck
Insitute for Biological Cybernetics - Tuebingen, October 30, 2009
(1.9 Mbytes)
IAP V Study day 05 : Decision
and regression tree ensemble methods and their applications in
automatic learning, IAP V Study day, Colonster, May 19, 2005
(2563581 bytes)
ORBEL05 : Decision
and regression tree ensemble methods and their applications in
automatic learning, ORBEL Symposium on data mining, Brussels, March
16, 2005 (2596449 bytes)
EC-ICT05 : Closure of session 3, The future of ICT for power systems:
emerging security challenges, European Commission, Brussels, February
3-4, 2005 (441856 bytes).
IREP2004 : Whither dynamic
congestion management?, IREP Workshop, Contrina d'Ampezzo, August
2004. (98816 bytes)
CBRN2001 : Recent
developments in tree induction for KDD. «Towards soft tree
induction», Brasilian conference on Neural Networks, Rio, April
2001. (1592832 bytes)
PICA99 : Automatic learning
and data mining applied to security assessment, PICA99 panel
session, Santa Clara (Ca), May 1999, slides powerpoint gzipped (765770 bytes).
IBM-ARC 99 and
IFSA97: Discretization of continuous attributes for supervised
learning. Variance evaluation and variance reduction, May 1999, slides pdf (135148 bytes).
IBM-ARC 99 and IPMU92 :
A global tree quality measure and its use for pruning, May 1999, slides pdf (123098 bytes).
LESCOPE98 : Visualizing Dynamic Power System Scenarios for Data Mining, LESCOPE98, Halifax (NS), June 1998, slides (351583 bytes).
IEEEWM98 : Artificial Intelligence Methods for Voltage Stability Assessment, IEEE PES Winter Meeting, Tampa (Fl), February 1998, slides of presentation to the Power System Stability Subcommittee (452086 bytes).
KDDLyon97 : Data mining and KDD Winter School, University of Lyon, Lyon (Fr), December 1997, slides of presentation (813919 bytes).
CPSPP97 : Tutorial on Intelligent Systems and their Power System applications, IFAC-Cigré Symp. on Control of Power Systems and Power Plants, Beijing (PRC), August 1997, course notes (330583 bytes).
PICA97 : Tutorial on Automatic Learning Methods. Application to Dynamic Security Assessment, IEEE Power Industry Computer Applications Conference, Columbus (Oh), May 1997, course notes (530313 bytes).