Ulysse Rubens

Ulysse Rubens

Software engineer

University of Liège


I’m a research software engineer at the ULiège Montefiore Institute in the Cytomine team and one of the main contributors to the Cytomine software, a complete web application to foster active and distributed collaboration in multidisciplinary teams and ease multi-giga pixel imaging data exploitation.

My research interests include large-scale web development, open-source software, machine and deep learning and dataset design, especially in digital pathology and bioimage analysis.

As full-stack engineer, I’ve added new Cytomine modules at all levels: front-end (web technologies), back-end, databases, container application deployment, artificial intelligence tools and their reproducible benchmarking.

I’ve been involved in projects at Wallonia level (ADRIC, DeepSport) and at European level (NEUBIAS, BigPicture).


BIAFLOWS is a Bio Image Analysis workflows benchmarking platform. This tool is a NEUBIAS initiative, and heavily relies on Cytomine.
The Cytomine software is an open-source rich internet application for collaborative storage, visualisation and analysis of multi-gigapixel images. I’m one of the main open-source contributors since 2017.
Automated cell counting
In histopathology, scientists frequently count cells from images of tissues to address hypotheses about pathological or developmental processes. I’ve implemented automatic counting methods to lighten the work of life scientists.
Automated cell counting


  • urubens@uliege.be
  • Montefiore Institute (B28)
    Quartier Polytech 1
    Allée de la découverte 10
    4000 Liège
  • Office I.128