Elements of probability calculus
MATH0062-1, University of Liège, Spring 2021
Lectures: Tuesday at 3.45 pm, online.
Lecturer: Pierre Sacré
Assistants: Adrien Deliège, Antoine Dubois, Antoine Evens, Hélène Huaux
Student instructors: Antoine Debor, Loris Mendolia
We'll be using Ed for the class, sign up here: https://edstem.org/us/join/yZq8Md (use your @student.uliege.be email). An announcement about the course organization is waiting for you there.
This tentative schedule is subject to change.
Date | Time | Room | Description |
Tue 02/02 | 3.45 pm | online | Probability and counting Conditional probability and Bayes' rule |
Tue 09/02 | 3.45 pm | online | Exercices 1 |
Tue 16/2 | No class (Mardi Gras) | ||
Tue 23/02 | 3.45 pm | online | Discrete random variables |
Tue 02/03 | 3.45 pm | online | Exercices 2 |
Tue 09/03 | 3.45 pm | online | Continuous random variables |
Tue 16/03 | 3.45 pm | online | Exercices 3 |
Tue 23/03 | 3.45 pm | online | Joint distributions |
Tue 30/03 | 3.45 pm | online | Exercices 4 |
Tue 06/04 | No class (Easter holidays) | ||
Tue 13/04 | No class (Easter holidays) | ||
Wed 14/04 | 3.45 pm | online | Conditional expectation |
Tue 20/04 | 3.45 pm | online | Exercices 5 |
Tue 27/04 | 3.45 pm | online | Transformations Inequalities and limit theorems |
Tue 04/05 | 3.45 pm | online | Exercices 6 |

by Joseph K. Blitzstein and Jessica Hwang
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2nd edition, 2019
(freely viewable from authors website)
Course material will be available on myULiège and myUnicast.