ContactMontefiore Institute (Parking 32), I 129Grande Traverse, 10 B-4000 Liège (Sart-Tilman) Belgium Phone: +32 (0) 4 366 3741 E-mail: Research interestsI'm currently doing a PhD in Systems Biology at the University of Liège. My research focuses on the analysis of nonlinear biological models. My current interests include:
PublicationsJournal ArticleLaura Trotta, Eric Bullinger, Rodolphe Sepulchre. Global analysis of dynamical decision-making models through local computation around the hidden saddle, Plos ONE, 2012. Article ConferencesLaura Trotta, Alessio Franci, Rodolphe Sepulchre. First spike latency sensitivity of spiking neuron models. Twenty second annual computational neuroscience meeting : CNS 2013 , 14, P354, Paris (France), July 2013. Poster Laura Trotta , Rodolphe Sepulchre, Eric Bullinger. Delayed decision making in bistable models. In Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp 816-821, Atlanta (USA), December 2010. Pdf (Orbi) DissertationPerformance criteria and robustness in biological bistable models at the example of the apoptosis process / Performance et robustesse des modèles bistables en biologie. Application au processus cellulaire d'apoptose. Master's dissertation, University of Liège, 2009. Pdf (in french) Links