
[ Synopsis | Description | See also | Back to the NDD package documentation ]


#include "lash-ndd.h"



This datatype holds the representation of a linear transformation over integer vectors. Such a transformation is composed of a system of linear constraints (called the guard) and a linear vector transformation (called the assignment). Applying the linear transformation to a set of integer vectors amounts to applying the assignment to all the vectors of the set that satisfy the guard.

The general form of a linear transformation is

Px <= q  ->   x := Ax + b,
where Px <= q is the guard and x := Ax+ b is the assignment. The matrices P and A, as well as the vectors q and b, can have arbitrary integer coefficients.

A linear transformation can be created by calling one of the constructor functions provided by the NDD package. It can be unallocated by calling the function ndd_transf_free.

See also

ndd_create_transf, ndd_create_identity_transf, ndd_create_assign_transf, ndd_create_equ_transf, ndd_create_inequ_transf, ndd_transf_free, linear_tr_info

[ Synopsis | Description | See also | Back to the NDD package documentation ]