Class WorkerMessage

  extended by dimawo.middleware.communication.Message
      extended by dimawo.WorkerMessage
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WorkerMessage
extends Message

Gerard Dethier Represents a message sent to a Worker Agent (WA). All messages sent to a remote WA must inherit from this class. Indeed, the Distributed Agent routes all subclasses of WorkerMessage to the WA it instantiated.
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Instantiates a WorkerMessage.
WorkerMessage(DAId t)
          Instantiates a WorkerMessage and sets its destination.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class dimawo.middleware.communication.Message
enableWaitSent, getCallBack, getHandlerId, getRecipient, getSender, getSeqNum, isReliabilityFlagSet, setCallBack, setMessageSent, setRecipient, setReliabilityFlag, setSender, setSeqNum, waitMessageSent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WorkerMessage()
Instantiates a WorkerMessage. This constructor is generally used if the message will be sent using connected mode (i.e. destination is imposed by the connection).

See Also:
Communicator.asyncConnect(DAId, dimawo.middleware.communication.ConnectionRequestCallBack, dimawo.middleware.communication.outputStream.MOSCallBack, Object), Communicator.syncConnect(DAId, dimawo.middleware.communication.outputStream.MOSCallBack), MOSAccessorInterface


public WorkerMessage(DAId t)
Instantiates a WorkerMessage and sets its destination. This constructor is generally used when sending a datagram message.

t - The destination of this message.
See Also:

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