When I have some time, I do some research. My research revolves around unikernels, operating systems, memory forensic, binary analysis, assembly code, reverse engineering and linkers/loaders.
Unikernels and systems
- UNICORE: A toolkit to automatically build unikernels, Grascomp Doctoral Day 2019
- Unikraft: Fast, Specialized Unikernels the Easy Way, Eurosys 2021 (Best Paper Award)
- Unikraft and the Coming of Age of Unikernels, Usenix ;Login 2021
- Highlight: Unikraft: Fast, Specialized Unikernels the Easy Way, Systor 2022
- Wants More Unikernels? Inflate Them!, SoCC 2022
- Loupe: Driving the Development of OS Compatibility Layers, ASPLOS 2024
- uTNT : Unikernels for Efficient and Flexible Internet Probing, TMA 2024
- UNICORE: A toolkit to automatically build unikernels, Namur
- Binary Analysis with the toolchain, Bucarest
- Autoporting unikernels, Barcelona
- Toolchain and analysis of unikernels memory, Roma
- The UNICORE Toolchain, Bruxelles
- Memory Deduplication, Liège (remote)
- Unicore Toolchain & Memory Deduplication, Liège & Bruxelles (remote)
- Memory Deduplication for Unikraft, Liège (remote)
- Getting Started with Unikraft, Lyon
- Wants More Unikernels? Inflate Them!, San Francisco (USA)
Master thesis (networking)
Ad-hoc communication for mobile devices (Best Master thesis)
Co-supervised Master thesis:
- Porting and securing an ad-hoc library for mobile devices, 2021
- Unikraft - System calls implementation, 2021
- Analysis and use cases of a library designed for mobile ad hoc communications, 2022
- ATHLETin: Web module for the management of athletes' training calendar and medical appointments, 2022
- Integrating address space layout randomization and make it compatible with memory de-duplication in Unikraft, 2022
In addition to my research, I'm also maintainer and developer of Unikraft.
Finally, I also collaborate with different faculties to gather scientific results by developing IT applications.
You can find me on Root-me.