Elements of probability calculus
MATH0062-1, University of Liège, Spring 2022
Instructors: Lecturer: Pierre Sacré Teaching assistants: Anaëlle De Worm, Antoine Dubois, Antoine Evens Student instructors: Jérôme Adriaens, Axelle Schyns
Lectures: Tuesdays, 3:45pm-5:45pm in B4 A304
Communication: Ed Discussion is our primary digital channel for communication about the course. Sign up here: (use your @student.uliege.be email address). If you haven't received a registration email by the first day of the class, send an email to . An announcement about the course organization is waiting for you there.
- For all future announcements, please sign up on (use your @student.uliege.be email address).
- Welcome to the Spring 2022 edition of MATH0062!
Schedule and material
Slides are made available as the semester progresses.
This tentative schedule is subject to change.
Date | Description |
Tue 08/02 |
0. Overview
1. Probability and counting [slides] 2. Conditional probability and Bayes' rule [slides] |
Tue 15/02 | Exercises 1 [list] |
Tue 22/2 | 3. Discrete random variables [slides] |
Tue 01/03 | No class (Mardi Gras) |
Tue 08/03 | Exercises 2 [list] |
Tue 15/03 | 4. Continuous random variables [slides] |
Tue 22/03 | Exercises 3 |
Tue 29/03, 8:30am-10:15am, B4 A204 | Remedial session [slides] |
Tue 29/03, 3:45pm-5:45pm, B4 A304 | 5. Joint distributions [slides] |
Tue 05/04 | Exercises 4 (make up for no class on 01/03) [list] |
Tue 12/04 | No class (Easter holidays) |
Wed 19/04 | 6. Conditional expectation [slides] |
Tue 26/04 | Exercises 5 [list] |
Tue 03/05 |
7. Transformations
8. Inequalities and limit theorems [slides] |
Tue 10/05 | Exercises 6 [list] |
Tue 17/05 | Online QA session (Discord) |

by Joseph K. Blitzstein and Jessica Hwang
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2nd edition, 2019
(freely viewable from authors website)
- Spring 2021
- Spring 2020
- Spring 2019: theory, practice (L. Wehenkel)
- Spring 2018: theory, practice (L. Wehenkel)
- Spring 2017: theory, practice (L. Wehenkel)