Research activities
The group is carrying out research in modelling the electrical, magnetic, and thermal properties of superconductors and / or semiconductors, in the context of electrical engineering applications. Its recent interests include:
- numerical methods based on finite elements, Green's functions, and semi-analytical methods;
- magnetic shielding with high-Tc superconductors: shielding mechanisms, shape effects, material properties and inhomogeneities, joints, shielding structures made of superconductors and ferromagnets;
- trapped-field permanent magnets made of bulk high-Tc superconductors: thin-walled pellets, AC losses, thermal conduction / thermal stability, heat exchange with a cryofluid;
- magnetic flux penetration in thin superconductor films, effects of indentations and inhomogeneities, coupling with magnetic layers and / or magnetic semiconductors;
- electrical conduction of antistatic felts.
Current group members
Former group members
- Loïc Burger, teaching assistant ()
- Sébastien Kirsch, researcher (2011 - 2014)
- Etienne Michel, teaching assistant (2009 - 2014)
- Juliana Fonseca Paim, teaching assistant (2007 - 2009)
- Grégory Lousberg, PhD student / "aspirant FNRS" (2006 - 2010)
- Samuel Denis, PhD student (2003 - 2007)
- Sébastien De Grève, teaching assistant
(2001 - 2007)