Class MasterAgent

  extended by dimawo.agents.AbstractAgent
      extended by dimawo.agents.LoggingAgent
          extended by dimawo.MasterAgent
All Implemented Interfaces:
ErrorHandler, MOSCallBack, Runnable

public abstract class MasterAgent
extends LoggingAgent
implements MOSCallBack

This class represents the Master Agent (MA). It implements the master process of a master/worker application. The Master Agent is instantiated by one, and only one, Distributed Agent (DA) part of the group of DAs implementing the same DiMaWo application (note that each DA is generally executed in a different process, each process being executed by a different computer). This potentially implies the solving of leader election problem in order to select the DA that will instantiate the MA.

The base MA provides common functionalities but requires some key elements of its behavior to be implemented. In general, MA's behavior is more or less as follows:

  1. the MA temporizes in order to wait for all workers to be instantiated or waits for a given number of workers to be up. The instantiation of new workers is signaled through topology changes ("joins", see onTopologyChange(DAId, ChangeType)).
  2. Initial data are provided to each worker through datagram messages or a broadcast.
  3. The MA waits for all workers to finish their execution. It may have to control workers execution or centralize informations (beware of a bottleneck!).
  4. After all workers have finished their execution, the MA ends the application by calling shutdown().

The common functionalities provided by the base implementation are:

Following elements of the behavior of the MA must be implemented by the user:

The master implements following agent's behavior:

Gerard Dethier
See Also:
DistributedAgent, be.ulg.montefiore.dimawo.middleware.WorkerAgent

Nested Class Summary
protected static class MasterAgent.ChangeType
          This enumeration provides the types of topology changes.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class dimawo.agents.AbstractAgent
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class dimawo.agents.AbstractAgent
agentName, errorHandler
Constructor Summary
MasterAgent(DistributedAgent hostingDa, String name)
          Instantiates the Master Agent (MA) giving it a name and associating it to a DA.
Method Summary
protected  void broadcastWorkerMessage(WorkerMessage toLocal, WorkerMessage toRemote)
          Broadcasts a message to all workers.
 DistributedAgent getHostingDA()
          Returns the DA that instantiated the MA.
 String getWorkingDir()
          Returns the working directory of hosting DA.
protected  void handleChildException(UncaughtThrowable o)
          Causes the whole application to terminate its execution, potentially before completion.
protected  void handleDaError(DaError msg)
          Handles an error message sent by a DA.
protected abstract  void handleMasterEvent(Object o)
          Handles a user defined or unknown master event.
protected  void handleMessage(Object o)
          Handles a new message taken from the queue.
protected abstract  void handleUserDefinedAgentMessage(MasterMessage msg)
          Handles a received message that is not handled by base implementation.
protected  void handleUserDefinedMessageSent(Message msg)
          Handles a "message sent" event for a user defined sent message.
protected abstract  void handleWorkerExit(WorkerExitMessage msg)
          Handles a message indicating the end of the execution of a worker.
protected  void init()
          Implements the operations to be executed when agent enters INIT state.
protected  void logAgentExit()
          Implements the operations to be executed when logging agent enters STOPPED state.
protected abstract  void onExit()
          Called when Master Agent terminates its execution.
protected abstract  void onStartup()
          Called when Master Agent (MA) is initialized i.e. directly after the agent is started and before any message is handled.
protected abstract  void onTopologyChange(DAId subject, MasterAgent.ChangeType type)
          Called when the Master Agent (MA) handles a message signaling a local change in DA's topology (i.e. a new DA joined or a DA left the overlay).
protected  void sendMessage(WorkerMessage msg)
          Sends a message to a worker agent.
protected  void shutdown()
          Terminates the execution of the application.
 void signalBroken(BrokenDA bda)
 void signalSent(Message m, boolean success)
          Signals that a message was successfully sent or an error occurred and the message could not be sent.
 void submitMasterMessage(MasterMessage m)
          Inserts a MasterMessage message in MA's message queue.
Methods inherited from class dimawo.agents.LoggingAgent
exit, getFilePrefix, setPrintStream
Methods inherited from class dimawo.agents.AbstractAgent
agentPrintMessage, agentPrintMessage, agentPrintMessage, flushPendingMessages, getDefaultVerbosityLevel, getState, getVerbosityLevel, join, join, run, setAgentName, setDaemon, setDefaultVerbosityLevel, setErrorHandler, setPrintStream, setVerbosityLevel, signalChildError, start, stop, submitError, submitMessage
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MasterAgent(DistributedAgent hostingDa,
                   String name)
Instantiates the Master Agent (MA) giving it a name and associating it to a DA.

hostingDa - The DA that instantiates the MA.
name - The name of the MA.
Method Detail


public DistributedAgent getHostingDA()
Returns the DA that instantiated the MA.

The DA that instantiated the MA.


public void submitMasterMessage(MasterMessage m)
                         throws InterruptedException
Inserts a MasterMessage message in MA's message queue.

InterruptedException - Thrown if executing thread is interrupted during a blocking insertion (happens when message queue is full).


public String getWorkingDir()
Returns the working directory of hosting DA.

The working directory of hosting DA.


protected void logAgentExit()
Description copied from class: LoggingAgent
Implements the operations to be executed when logging agent enters STOPPED state.

Specified by:
logAgentExit in class LoggingAgent
See Also:


protected void init()
             throws Throwable
Description copied from class: AbstractAgent
Implements the operations to be executed when agent enters INIT state.

Specified by:
init in class AbstractAgent
Throwable - If an error occurred during initialization.


protected void handleMessage(Object o)
Description copied from class: AbstractAgent
Handles a new message taken from the queue.

Specified by:
handleMessage in class AbstractAgent
o - A message.


protected void handleChildException(UncaughtThrowable o)
                             throws AgentException
Causes the whole application to terminate its execution, potentially before completion.

handleChildException in class AbstractAgent
o - The error.
AgentException - If the agent does not have an error handler.


protected void shutdown()
Terminates the execution of the application. All processes executing a worker will eventually terminate their execution.


protected void sendMessage(WorkerMessage msg)
Sends a message to a worker agent.

msg - The message to send to the worker agent.


public void signalSent(Message m,
                       boolean success)
Description copied from interface: MOSCallBack
Signals that a message was successfully sent or an error occurred and the message could not be sent.

Specified by:
signalSent in interface MOSCallBack
m - The message.
success - A boolean indicating if the message was successfully sent or an error occurred. If success is true, the message was successfully sent. An error occurred otherwise.


public void signalBroken(BrokenDA bda)
Specified by:
signalBroken in interface MOSCallBack


protected void broadcastWorkerMessage(WorkerMessage toLocal,
                                      WorkerMessage toRemote)
Broadcasts a message to all workers. Two copies of the message to send must be provided: one for local worker (i.e. the worker instantiated by the same DA as master) and one for remote workers. This is required because the message for local worker is transmitted through DA and not through the Communicator like remote workers' message.

toLocal - The message copy to transmit to local worker.
toRemote - The message copy to transmit to remote workers.


protected void handleDaError(DaError msg)
Handles an error message sent by a DA. This kind of message is sent by a DA when it is about to terminate its execution because of a fatal error. The reception of this message causes the master to terminate the execution of the whole application.

msg - The error message.


protected void handleUserDefinedMessageSent(Message msg)
                                     throws Exception
Handles a "message sent" event for a user defined sent message.

o - The "message sent" event.
Exception - If an error occurred during event's handling.
See Also:


protected abstract void handleUserDefinedAgentMessage(MasterMessage msg)
                                               throws Exception
Handles a received message that is not handled by base implementation. A message that is not handled by base implementation is either a user defined message or an unexpected message (in this case, an exception is thrown).

msg - The message to handle.
Exception - If an error occurred during message handling.


protected abstract void handleWorkerExit(WorkerExitMessage msg)
                                  throws Exception
Handles a message indicating the end of the execution of a worker. This kind of message is sent by a DA to signal the worker it instantiated has terminated its execution. The message contains the result the worker may have produced. The DA continues its execution until the whole application is terminated.

msg - The message indicating the end of the execution of a worker.
Exception - If an error occurred during the handling of the message.
See Also:


protected abstract void onExit()
Called when Master Agent terminates its execution. This method should essentially contain "clean-up" operations.


protected abstract void onStartup()
                           throws Throwable
Called when Master Agent (MA) is initialized i.e. directly after the agent is started and before any message is handled.

Throwable - If an error occurs during MA's initialization.


protected abstract void onTopologyChange(DAId subject,
                                         MasterAgent.ChangeType type)
                                  throws Exception
Called when the Master Agent (MA) handles a message signaling a local change in DA's topology (i.e. a new DA joined or a DA left the overlay).

subject - The DA that joined or left the overlay.
type - The type of topology change (join, leave).
Exception - If an error occurred during event handling.


protected abstract void handleMasterEvent(Object o)
                                   throws Exception
Handles a user defined or unknown master event.

o - The event.
Exception - If an error occurred during event handling.

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