General information
- Presentation of the course.
- Audience: Bachelor in engineering (computer science orientation),
bachelor in computer science, bachelor in mathematical sciences, master in electrical
engineering, master in business engineering, master in
mathematical sciences, master in geographical sciences.
- Time: Second semester, Thursday morning. The lectures are given from 8:30 to 10:30 and the exercise sessions from 10:45 to 12:45.
- Place: Lessons: Domat auditorium (B31). Exercise sessions: see Celcat tool.
Assistant: Baptiste Vergain.
A page dedicated to exercise sessions is available.
- Evaluation: A written exam, and a practical project.
- References:
- Additional references about the Java programming language:
List of frequently asked questions.
The transparencies used during the course can be downloaded
here. Printed copies are also
distributed by the
student union
press. The 2025 version will be made available a few weeks
before the first lesson.
Examples of programs
The subject of the programming project for 2024 is available
Past exams
The statements of these past exams are available:
- First session, 2013 (French),
- Second session, 2013 (French),
- First session, 2014 (French),
- Second session, 2014 (French),
- First session, 2015 (French),
- Second session, 2015 (French),
- First session, 2016,
- Second session, 2016,
- First session, 2017,
- Second session, 2017,
- First session, 2018,
- Second session, 2018,
- First session, 2019,
- Second session, 2019,
- First session, 2021,
- Second session, 2021,
- First session, 2022,
- Second session, 2022,
- First session, 2023,
- Second session, 2023,
- First session, 2024,
- Second session, 2024.