ELEC 0041: Modeling and design of electromagnetic systems - Spring 2024


Tue 06/02General introduction; Introduction to Gmsh and GetDP: hands-on construction of a .geo and a .pro file.
Tue 13/03No class: mardi gras.
Tue 20/02Review of Maxwell equations and constitutive laws; electrostatic, electrokinetic, magnetostatic, magnetodynamic and full wave models [Slides]; Electrostatics, part 1: weak formulation in terms of the scalar potential, boundary conditions. [Homework 1] (sample geometries: boolean, bottom up)
Tue 27/02 Electrostatics, part 2: global quantities (charge and floating potential). Electrokinetics: formulation, global quantities (voltage and current).
Tue 05/03Class time for homework 1.
Tue 12/03 Magnetostatics: scalar and vector magnetic potentials, infinite shell transformation.
Tue 19/03Magnetodynamics: a-v formulation, frequency-domain vs. time-domain, global quantities (currents and voltages), template formulation, examples. [Homework 2] (sample geometries: simplified geo, simplified pro)
Tue 26/03Going further: three-dimensional problems and Whitney elements, complementary formulations, gauging, cuts [Slides]; overview of other electromagnetic modelling techniques [Slides].
Tue 02/04Circuit coupling; nonlinear problems: Newton-Raphson and Picard iterations
Tue 09/04Class time for homework 2
Tue 16/04Wave propagation: full wave formulations, domain truncation; application to antenna and waveguide modelling [Slides].
Tue 23/04No class: Easter. [Project ideas]
Tue 30/04No class: Easter
Tue 07/05Class time for homework 3
Tue 14/05Multiphysic couplings: rigid body forces using the Maxwell stress tensor, the magnetometer example (electromagnetics, thermics and elastodynamics)
Fri 24/05Deadline rapport homework 3

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