Introduction to intelligent robotics
INFO0948-2, University of Liège, Spring
Instructors: Lecturer: Pierre Sacré Teaching assistants: Jérôme Adriaens, Sven Goffin
Lectures: Fridays, 1:45pm-5:45pm in B28 1.21
Communication: Ed Discussion is our primary digital channel for communication about the course. Sign up here: (choose EU region, use your email address). If you haven't received a registration email by the first day of the class, send an email to . An announcement about the course organization is waiting for you there.
- For all future announcements, please sign up on (choose EU region, use your email address).
- Welcome to the Spring edition of INFO0948!
Schedule and materials
Slides are made available as the semester progresses.
This tentative schedule is subject to change.
Date | 1:45pm-3:45pm | 3:45pm-5:45pm |
Fri 07/02 | 0. Overview [slides] 1. Introduction [slides] | Tutorial - ROS2 basics [GitLab] |
Fri 14/02 | No class | Tutorial - Gazebo & tf2 [GitLab] |
Fri 21/02 | 2. Robot kinematics [slides] | Tutorial - Q&A on Tuto 1 & 2 |
Fri 28/02 | Tutorial - TurtleBot3 Burger | Tutorial - TurtleBot3 Burger |
Fri 07/03 | 3. Control and planning methods [slides] | Lab Jupyter - Kinematics [GitLab] |
Fri 14/03 | 4. Sensor interpretation I (Bayes filter + Kalman filter) [slides] | Lab Jupyter - Dynamic programming [GitLab] |
Fri 21/03 | 4. Sensor interpretation II (Particle filter) [slides] | Lab Jupyter - Kalman filter [GitLab] |
Fri 28/03 | 5. SLAM [slides] | Project work (no class) |
Fri 04/04 | TBD | Lab Jupyter - SLAM [GitLab] |
Fri 11/04 |
GeMMe team, ULiège
Multipick project |
Project work (no class) |
Fri 18/04 | Project work (no class) | Project work (no class) |
Fri 25/04 | No class (Easter holidays) | No class (Easter holidays) |
Fri 02/05 | No class (Easter holidays) | No class (Easter holidays) |
Fri 09/05 | Louis Dehaybe, ULiège (PhD student in Olivier Brüls' Lab) | Project work (no class) |
Fri 16/05 | Project work (no class) | Project work (no class) |
Additional materials
There is no textbook. Everything we'll use is posted on this website.
If you'd like to consult some books, we listed some below.
Probabilistic Robotics
Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard, and Dieter Fox
MIT Press, 2005 -
Robotics, Vision and Control
Peter Corke
Springer, 2017
All information about the project can be found here soon.
- Spring 2024
- Spring 2023
- Spring 2022
- Spring 2021
- Spring 2020
- Spring 2019
- Spring 2018: theory, project (L. Wehenkel et al)
- Spring 2017: theory, project (R. Detry)