General information
- Time: Tue 1:45pm, Montefiore R7. This class is taught in English.
- Instructors:
- Christophe Geuzaine (cgeuzaine at uliege)
- David Colignon (david.colignon at uliege)
- Orian Louant (orian.louant at uliege)
- Textbook: The Science of Computing: The Art of High Performance Computing, volume 1 by Victor Eijkhout, Edmond Chow and Robert van de Geijn.
- Grades: 100% oral exam during January session
- Groups for the project: Submit your group (2 students per group)
Oral exam
Schedule (tentative)
Date | Description |
Tue 17/09 |
Tue 24/09 |
Tue 01/10 |
Tue 08/10 | Introduction to MPI - Slides and Lecture notes |
Tue 15/10 | Introduction to OpenMP - Slides and source code of examples |
Tue 22/10 | Class time for project |
Tue 05/11 | Debugging and profiling - lectures notes |
Tue 12/11 | Class time for project |
Tue 19/11 | Introduction to directive-based GPU programming - Slides and lectures notes |
Tue 26/11 | Class time for project - Intermediate deadline |
Tue 03/12 | Class time for project |
Tue 10/12 | Class time for project |
Tue 17/12 | Class time for project |
Fri 20/12 | Final deadline |
CÉCI account
This course requires the use of the CECI clusters for the realization of the projects. To get access, please follow the following steps:
Create a CÉCI account here
- Use your university email address and specify cgeuzaine at uliege as supervisor email
- In the Institution menu, choose
- University: Université de Liège
- Département: Département d'Electricité, Electronique et Informatique
- Unité: Cours INFO0939-1 High Perf. Scient. Comput.
The clusters must be accessed from ULiège network. To connect from home, please install and configure the VPN. Instructions are available here. Instructions on how to connect to the clusters are accessible through the CECI documentation. See instructions for Windows as well as macOS/Linux.
Useful links
- Unix tutorial
- C language tutorials:
- TOP500 Supercomputing Sites