PhD in Computing Science, 2008
Formerly with:
Software: CanoPeer P2P Grid middleware
- P. Renders, C. Briquet and E. Petitjean.
Introduction to the FEW Font-style Markup Language (FFML).
Technical report, (in preparation). - C. Briquet and S. Sinclair.
Structuring All-Pairs as a MapReduce Application.
In Poster Proc. Grid conference, Bruxelles, Belgium, 2010.
Also available: poster. - C. Briquet, P. Renders and E. Petitjean.
A virtualization-based retrieval and update API for XML-encoded corpora.
In Proc. Balisage, Montréal, QC, Canada, 2010. - C. Briquet, X. Dalem, S. Jodogne and P.A. de Marneffe.
P2P File Sharing for P2P Computing.
In Multiagent and Grid Systems. IOS Press, Volume 5, Issue 2, 2009.
Journal version of the HPDC 2007 paper. - P. Renders and C. Briquet.
Conception d'algorithmes de rétroconversion.
In Proc. Journées liégeoises de Traitement des Sources galloromanes (TraSoGal), Liège, Belgium, 2009. - C. Briquet and P. Renders.
Une approche reposante (RESTful) des aspects opérationnels de la rétroconversion du Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (FEW).
In Proc. Journées liégeoises de Traitement des Sources galloromanes (TraSoGal), Liège, Belgium, 2009. -
C. Briquet.
Systematic Cooperation in P2P Grids.
PhD Dissertation, University of Liège, Belgium, 2008.
Also available: slides (oral presentation), Lightweight Bartering Grid 0.4.1 (software released on July 14th, 2008). - G. Dethier, C. Briquet, P. Marchot and P.A. de Marneffe.
LBG-SQUARE - Fault-Tolerant, Locality-Aware Co-allocation in P2P Grids.
In Proc. International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, Dunedin, New Zealand, 2008. - C. Briquet and P.A. de Marneffe.
Reproducible Testing of Distributed Software with Middleware Virtualization and Simulation.
In Proc. PADTAD, Seattle, WA, USA, 2008. - G. Dethier, C. Briquet, P. Marchot and P.A. de Marneffe.
A Grid-enabled Lattice-Boltzmann-based modelling system.
In Proc. International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Gdansk, Poland, 2007. - C. Briquet, X. Dalem, S. Jodogne and P.A. de Marneffe.
Research at the University of Liège on the integration of P2P file sharing with P2P Grid computing.
In BEgrid Tribune, October 2007. -
C. Briquet, X. Dalem, S. Jodogne and P.A. de Marneffe.
Scheduling Data-Intensive Bags of Tasks in P2P Grids with BitTorrent-enabled Data Distribution.
In Proc. UPGRADE-CN'07, HPDC Workshops, Monterey Bay, CA, USA, 2007. - C. Briquet and P.A. de Marneffe.
Notes on an Event-Driven Implementation of Bartering in P2P Grids.
Technical report, University of Liège, Belgium, 2007 (unpublished). - C. Briquet and P.A. de Marneffe.
Description of a Lightweight Bartering Grid Architecture.
In Proc. Cracow Grid Workshop, Cracow, Poland, 2006. - S. Jodogne, C. Briquet and J.H. Piater.
Approximate Policy Iteration for Closed-Loop Learning of Visual Tasks.
In Proc. European Conference on Machine Learning, Berlin, Germany, 2006. - C. Briquet and P.A. de Marneffe.
What is the Grid ? Tentative Definitions Beyond Resource Coordination.
Technical report, University of Liège, Belgium, 2006. - C. Briquet and P.A. de Marneffe.
Grid Resource Negotiation: Survey with A Machine Learning Perspective.
In Proc. International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks, Innsbruck, Austria, 2006. - C. Briquet and P.A. de Marneffe.
Learning Reliability Models of Grid Resource Supplying.
In Proc. Cracow Grid Workshop, Cracow, Poland, 2005. - C. Briquet.
Algorithmes de contournement de barrières.
Master's Thesis, University of Liège, Belgium, 2003.
CanoPeer P2P Grid Software
CanoPeer (formerly known as Lightweight Bartering Grid, or LBG for short) is a complete P2P Grid middleware and discrete-event simulator that targets Bag of Tasks applications (sets of independent tasks, each packaged as one or more .jar files, with input and output data files).
CanoPeer is developed in Java and targets Java apps (both currently Java SE 17). It is released under a Free and Open Source license (GPL2).
CanoPeer is comprised of client software (referred to as User Agent, offered both as command line tool and web-based interface) to submit computing jobs to the P2P Grid, and of server software (Peer nodes, and worker nodes referred to as Resources) to manage and run the computing jobs. A so-called Search Engine enables Peers to find other Peer to barter computing time with. Grid nodes (Peers, Resources, User Agents and Search Engine) run on real, networked computers. Additionally, Grid nodes can run within a simulated and virtualized environment on a single (large) computer. Interactions of Grid nodes are simulated therein with a discrete-event system simulator to study the behavior of a P2P Grid.
CanoPeer results from joint work of University of Liege Algorithmics lab's alumni Cyril Briquet and Xavier Dalem.
To learn more about P2P Grids and the algorithms implemented in CanoPeer, you may read research papers available online that report on research conducted at the University of Liege, Belgium. See the publications here above.
CanoPeer acknowledges the support of YourKit: YourKit is kindly supporting open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC is creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications. Take a look at YourKit's leading software products: YourKit Java Profiler and YourKit .NET Profiler.
Research interests
Alumni of the Algorithmics lab
- Gérard Dethier (Grid Computing)
- Sébastien Jodogne (Computer Vision)
- Thomas Leuther (Cohomology)
- Xavier Dalem (P2P Grid Computing)
C programming
Operating systems (current)
Operating systems (legacy)
- Clicker (modular microkernel-based OS)
- Little Green Desktop (Atari ST OS)
Useful resources
- BonPatron correcteur de grammaire et d'orthographe
- Introduction to Convex Hull Applications
- Petit résumé de trigonométrie
- SimGrid Grid middleware and discrete-event simulator